Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

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Next steps for the renewable energy industry in the UK - finance, innovation and policy priorities

February 2019

Starting from: £99 + VAT

This conference will bring together policymakers with key stakeholders to discuss the future of renewable energy in the UK - looking at the key issues for finance, innovation and policy.

Delegates will consider the impact on the renewable energy sector of the third CfD allocation round opening by May 2019, as well as from possible changes to the CM auction process, following the Government’s review of the CM announced earlier in the year.

We also expect discussion on potential consequences for emerging technologies from the recent European Union ruling, suspending the CM for violating state aid regulations.

Delegates will assess opportunities and practical issues emerging from the National Infrastructure Commission’s National Infrastructure Assessment.

With the Government commitments in its interim response to continuing auctions and supporting sector confidence - and for installing up to two Gigawatts of offshore wind capacity annually - attendees will consider the opportunities this might present to the wind industry, and the practical challenges for delivering scale and large capacity annually.

Further sessions will discuss the evolving investment landscape for renewable energy - following on from the Government’s Industrial Strategy and the Clean Growth Strategy which set aside £557m to support less-established technologies - and alternative approaches to finance in light of proposals to end the Feed-In Tariffs Scheme.

The role of the private sector will also be considered, with the Government promoting a £5bn Energy Investment Portfolio, including innovative renewable projects, to international investors.

Attendees will also discuss how regulators and network operators can further support sector growth - with discussion expected on recommendations for overcoming integration challenges for decentralised energy, improving grid flexibility, and the development of microgrids. Following the recently announced £10m for smart local energy networks, delegates will examine the role of local authorities for supporting community-based energy schemes, and the development of local energy marketplaces.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda