Westminster Legal Policy Forum

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UK immigration policy post-White Paper - routes to migration, access to skills and priorities for enforcement

May 2019

Starting from: £99 + VAT

The seminar focused on the future of the UK’s immigration policy following the publication of the Government’s white paper, and as the Law Commission consulted on their proposed simplification of the UK’s immigration rules.

Delegates discussed the impact of the Government’s proposals which included ending the current cap on the number of skilled workers, the launch of a consultation on a minimum salary requirement of £30,000 for skilled migrants seeking five-year visas, and aligning rules for non-EEA and EEA migrants - including students - under a single system.

They also assessed the impact of the White Paper on particular sectors such as social care, construction and agriculture as government asked the Migration Advisory Committee to review the Shortage Occupation List - including the challenges for businesses and workers in adapting to the proposed set of time-limited 12-month visa schemes.

The agenda also included a ministerial contribution from The Scottish Government, which outlined arguments for devolution of immigration policy, tailoring policy to fit the needs of the Scottish economy, and highlighted issues for sectors such as tourism, hospitality and social care.

Further sessions considered the priorities for border control and tackling irregular migration post-Brexit, including applying stricter criminality thresholds on refusal of entry and removals, how to address concerns over the UK’s potential withdrawal from the Schengen Information System and building new partnerships with EU nations to ensure that irregular immigration is tackled effectively.

There was also discussion on immigration detention as the Joint Committee on Human Rights published their inquiry report, calling for a time limit on immigration detention and improvement in the provision of early legal advice for detainees. Further areas for discussion included policy options for ensuring appropriate detention conditions and the elimination of abuse in the detention estate, as the Committee called for the Home Office to put in place adequate safeguards and oversight in Immigration Removal Centres.

Delegates also discussed the proposed changes to immigration laws by the Law Commission, who have proposed shorter, redrafted guidelines designed to make them more accessible to stakeholders.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda