Westminster Education Forum

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Next steps for SEND provision in England - Government’s SEND & AP improvement plan | funding | workforce priorities | attainment & outcomes | SEND Inspection Framework | FE, supported internships programme & transitions to adulthood


Price: £95 PLUS VAT

This conference will discuss next steps for SEND provision in England.

It is bringing together stakeholders and policymakers to assess progress so far in the Government’s SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan, published last year in response to its green paper consultation.

Backed by £4.8m of funding, delegates will discuss the plan’s key focal points, looking at priorities for implementation moving forward, including:

  • introducing new national standards and professional guidelines
  • steps to improve transitions and preparations for adulthood for those with SEND, including through supported internships
  • changes to the design of accountability measures
  • improving access to support through the digitisation of education, health and care (EHC) plans
  • introducing local inclusion plans (LIPs) created by local SEND and AP partnerships, with the 31 local authorities to pilot LIPs chosen last August

The conference is an opportunity to consider approaches to creating a SEND system which is easier to navigate and able to provide a positive experience for SEND students and their families, alongside providing value for money.

Delegates will examine strategies for developing a more joined-up approach within the SEND system, including priorities for improving cooperation between local government, the education, and health and social care sector in the provision of EHC plans. Discussion will also consider funding requirements for local authorities and service providers if they are to achieve ambitions in the improvement plan.

Sessions will examine next steps for improving the attainment, experiences and outcomes of learners with SEND in mainstream settings, as well as learners in alternative provision and specialist schools, as well as early years identification and interventions for children, and support priorities for parents and carers.

The agenda will bring out latest thinking on priorities for the SEND workforce, looking at strategies for improving recruitment and retention, and upskilling and development options for the existing workforce. We also expect discussion to consider preparations for the rollout of the new SENCo National Professional Qualifications, as well as qualification options more widely.

Delegates will also assess the impact of the level 3 qualification reform process on the progression of young people with SEND into further education and employment, as well as the role of the DfE’s apprenticeship support pilot and strategies to recruit and support learners with SEND in apprenticeship roles. Attendees will look at examples of best practice for supporting learners with SEND in their transition into adulthood, including provision of high quality careers guidance, supported internships programme and access to qualifications.

Further sessions will consider progress since the introduction of the new Ofsted and CQC Area SEND Inspection Framework and the impact of changes to SEND service inspections. There will be a focus on key areas which require improvement, the experience of parents and carers under the new framework and the level of service that inspectors consider to be acceptable.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Amanda Allard, Director, Council for Disabled Children; and Strategic Director, Practice and Programmes, National Children’s Bureau; and Annamarie Hassall, Chief Executive, Nasen.

This pack includes

  • Dropbox video recording of the conference
  • PDF transcript of the discussion, including all speaker remarks and Q&A
  • PDFs of speakers' slide material (subject to permission)
  • PDFs of the delegate pack, including speaker biographies and attendee list
  • PDFs of delegate articles