Westminster Health Forum

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Development and rollout of Test and Trace, and the future of the COVID-19 contact tracing app

August 2020

Starting from: £99 + VAT

***Full-scale policy conference taking place online***

This conference will assess next steps for the Test and Trace system and its rollout and operation - as well as the development of a tracing app as part of the wider test and trace service.

The discussion in detail:

  • Development of the NHS Test and Trace service - including its role in informing local approaches and possible lockdowns going forward
  • Learning from international examples of contact tracing apps and track, test and trace services to inform future development:
    • uptake - what more can be done to engage with the population and improve uptake and compliance with any quarantine measures
    • coordination - how best to link technology with the wider Test and Trace service with local services to inform localised and sector specific approaches to infection control
    • international best practice - what can be learnt from the approach of other countries to contact tracing that can be integrated into the UK approach
  • The role of the contact tracing app as part of the wider service, and regulatory and legislative issues, including:
    • integration - how test and trace and the app fit into existing frameworks in areas such as use of biometrics, surveillance and data protection
    • safeguards - developments that might be needed to protect individual rights and freedoms while also effectively contributing to tackling a fast-moving public health emergency

The context for discussion:

It takes place against the backdrop of a range of major developments, including:

The agenda:

  • Creating digital approaches to contact tracing - design, development and rollout of COVID-19 contact tracing apps
  • Test and trace - creating momentum and legacy in integrated care systems
  • An app as part of the test and trace service - learning from the Isle of Wight pilot, informing local approaches and local lockdowns, and addressing privacy and data protection concerns
  • Public engagement and behavioural change - encouraging uptake, adherence to requests to isolate, and building trust
  • The regulatory dimension to development and delivery of a test and trace system and national tracing app - biometrics, surveillance and data protection
  • Test, track and trace in practice - the international experience so far, and how it can inform approaches in the UK

Policy officials attending:

Our forums are known for attracting strong interest from policymakers and stakeholders.

It is certainly the case with this conference. Places have been reserved by officials from DHSC; the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation; the DCMS; the Department for Education; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Government Legal Service; HM Revenue & Customs; HM Treasury; the Home Office; the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency; the National Crime Agency and The Scottish Government. Also due to attend are representatives from BT; the DMA; Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine; Imperial College London; Mirkwood Evans Vincent; NHS Blood and Transplant; Taylor Vinters; The Patients Association and University of York.

This is a full-scale conference taking place online***

  • full, four-hour programme including comfort breaks - you’ll also get a full recording to refer back to
  • information-rich discussion involving key policymakers and stakeholders
  • conference materials provided in advance, including speaker biographies
  • speakers presenting via webcam, accompanied by slides if they wish, using the Cisco WebEx professional online conference platform (easy for delegates - we’ll provide full details)
  • opportunities for live delegate questions and comments with all speakers
  • a recording of the addresses, all slides cleared by speakers, and further materials, is made available to all delegates afterwards as a permanent record of the proceedings
  • delegates are able to add their own written comments and articles following the conference, to be distributed to all attendees and more widely
  • networking too - there will be opportunities for delegates to e-meet and interact - we’ll tell you how!

Full information and guidance on how to take part will be sent to delegates before the conference

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda