Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

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Next steps for decarbonising UK heat and heat networks - expansion, building decarbonisation, consumer protection, and policy and regulatory priorities

January 2022

Price: £95 PLUS VAT

This conference examined policy priorities for heat networks in the UK - looking at next steps for decarbonisation, the future of markets and consumer protection, as well as what action is needed to modernise infrastructure, expand connections, and build a sustainable and resilient energy system.

We were pleased to be able to include a keynote contribution from David Capper, Director, Clean Heat Directorate, BEIS; and Cathryn Scott, Director, Enforcement and Emerging Issues, Ofgem.

The discussion took place following the Government’s announcement of its plan to drive down the cost of low-carbon heating and a period of acute gas supply shortages across the UK.

Delegates were expected to consider the implications of reduced resource access and rising costs - including potential issues for heat affordability for households, security of supply on a national level, and how this might both complicate and accelerate the need for heat decarbonisation and cleaner forms of energy.

Discussion also took place in the context of the Government’s Energy White Paper, which sets out the long-term outlook for the development of the UK energy system up to 2050, and was a timely opportunity to consider the white paper’s proposals for heat policy.

Delegates considered the role of building standards reform in the UK and the Future Homes Standard on the outlook for heat decarbonisation.

Overall, the agenda brought out latest thinking on:

  • policy priorities for UK-wide heat decarbonisation
  • next steps for heat network expansion - the business case and barriers to infrastructure delivery
  • low-carbon heat in housing and other buildings - retrofit and improving energy efficiency
  • heat market framework design - standardising entry rules and boosting investor engagement
  • regulation - regulator duties and scope, enforceable standards, and reducing market complexity
  • consumer protection - modernising property management responsibilities, consumer rights, and the fair distribution of district heating costs

The discussion brought together stakeholders with key policy officials who attended from BEIS; the CMA; the Crown Commercial Service; DAERA, NI; Defra; the DfT; DIT; the Department for the Economy, NI; the DLUHC; the DWP; the Health and Safety Executive; the OPSS; the ORR; the Planning Inspectorate; The Scottish Government; the Valuation Office Agency; and the Welsh Government.

This pack includes

  • Dropbox video recording of the conference
  • PDF transcript of the discussion, including all speaker remarks and Q&A
  • PDFs of speakers' slide material (subject to permission)
  • PDFs of the delegate pack, including speaker biographies and attendee list
  • PDFs of delegate articles