January 2023
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This conference discussed opportunities and challenges around the decarbonisation of the UK’s aviation sector.
Stakeholders and policymakers assessed the way forward for reducing emissions across the industry, following the Flightpath to the future and Jet Zero Strategy released earlier this year, the ICAO Assembly’s advocacy for reaching net-zero emissions from air transport by 2050, and the government consultation on how the industry fits within the Emissions Trading Scheme.
The conference was also a timely opportunity to consider the future direction of decarbonisation policy with new political leadership in government.
The agenda brought out latest thinking on scaling up and deploying new technologies to support decarbonisation, such as sustainable aviation fuels and hydrogen-powered aviation, as well as aircraft design, changes to operations and procedures, and opportunities and challenges associated with aviation demand management.
Delegates also examined the industry’s response to changing passenger trends following the pandemic, and priorities for policy and support at a time of economic uncertainty.
Overall, sessions looked at:
- decarbonisation and the UK aviation sector: policy priorities - carbon targets - reducing environmental impacts - the future for long-term goals
- innovation: assessing R&I pathways and enablers for reducing emissions - opportunities for implementation of new technologies - carbon removal options and their effectiveness
- sustainable aviation fuels: supply and cost issues - next steps for scale-up and rollout - the role of hydrogen
- the next generation of aeroplanes: what is needed for transition to greater sustainability - overcoming logistical barriers - reconfiguring pipelines on sites - standardising technologies
- the impact of wider challenges for the sector: commercial and financial factors - priorities for international and regional airports - rebuilding the sector post-pandemic - aviation demand
We are pleased to have been able to include a keynote sessions with Holly Greig, Deputy Director, Aviation Decarbonisation Division, Department for Transport; Matt Gorman, Chair, Sustainable Aviation; and Director of Carbon Strategy, Heathrow; and Thomas Fowler, Director of Sustainability, Ryanair.
The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside parliamentary pass-holders from the House of Commons, as well as key policy officials who attended from BEIS; the CMA; DAERA, NI; Department for the Economy, NI; DIT; DSTL; the DfT; HSE; the House of Commons Library; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.