Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

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Priorities for heat networks in the UK: decarbonisation, innovation and efficiency in cooling

July 2017

Starting from: £99 + VAT

Sessions assessed the impact on the energy delivery system and the future policy framework for heat following the consultation on Heat in Buildings by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and their call for evidence on a ‘smart, flexible energy system’. Sessions also considered the role of the Clean Growth Plan, expected to be published in 2017, in stimulating economic growth while reducing carbon emissions.

With the release of the Birmingham Policy Commission ‘Doing cold Smarter’ report last year and following the launch of their ‘clean cold’ and global goals project, delegates discussed key strategies for delivering cold more efficiently for processes linked to the supply of food, medicine and data centres, and as part of moving to a low-carbon economy.

Further discussions focused on the main challenges for improving the UK’s heating systems for consumers and the role of energy efficiency and district heating projects as well as bioenergy and hydrogen gas sources for delivering low-carbon heat, in the context of the proposals to change the support offered for biomass-CHP plants under the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme.

Delegates also considered latest technological developments in ground-source heat pumps, CHP generators and thermal storage, and the associated commercial challenges they face, as well as effective cooling systems, particularly for large infrastructure and intensive energy users.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda