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Smart cities: next steps for UK advanced urban services - local priorities, supply chain relationships and standards development

March 2019

Price: £95 PLUS VAT

This seminar examined next steps for developing ‘smart city’ solutions that address local needs - taking account of local strategic and user priorities, relationships between local government commissioning and the supply chain, and developing standards and learning from best practice.

It took place in the context of an investment and policy focus on digital infrastructure and its role in economic growth - including support for future investment in 5G technology following the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review, the development of a National Geospatial Strategy with a focus on how geospatial data can be used to transform public services and support the UK’s productivity, and the Mayor of London’s Smarter London Together plan to position London at the forefront of intelligent innovation.

It also took place in light of the Government’s drive to coordinate initiatives for improving wellbeing and tackling social issues such as loneliness, supporting mental and physical health, and incentivising environmental stewardship.

Delegates discussed latest thinking on smart cities design and delivery - including adopting a people-centric approach to service design, considering how cities might more effectively articulate their needs to the supply chain, addressing sustainability issues, understanding and incorporating innovation in applications as well as issues around open data, data management and analysis.

They also considered lessons from existing smart cities around collaboration, funding, and citizen and stakeholder engagement, and examined priorities for application in the roll-out of smart cities across the UK, focusing on interoperability and system integration, sustainability and best practice.

The agenda also looked at what more might be needed in policy development, regulation and leadership, including around investment, addressing procurement issues, improving access to data and supporting collaboration.


This pack includes

  • Dropbox video recording of the conference
  • PDF transcript of the discussion, including all speaker remarks and Q&A
  • PDFs of speakers' slide material (subject to permission)
  • PDFs of the delegate pack, including speaker biographies and attendee list
  • PDFs of delegate articles