Westminster Health Forum

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Next steps for patient safety in England

Morning, Tuesday, 18th June 2024

This conference focuses on next steps for patient safety standards in healthcare delivery and priorities for improving incident response times across England.

It is bringing together stakeholders, clinical leaders and policymakers to discuss implementation of Martha’s Rule, which aims to provide patients families, carers and staff with 24/7 access to a rapid review from a separate critical care team when concerns arise about a patient’s deteriorating condition.

Delegates will examine the preparation and enactment of Martha’s Rule in healthcare settings and its impact on the NHS workforce, including using the Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service to reduce patients’ risk of sepsis. They will consider key issues for incorporating restorative practices into incident resolution, including clinical negligence reform and opportunities for whole-system learning.

Sessions in the agenda will explore latest developments from the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, including the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF), with organisations transitioning to the framework before autumn last year. Outlining new systems which shift focus towards factors that contributed to mistakes being made, it will be an opportunity to learn from early adopters and consider priorities for the effective delivery of new systems and cultural change.

Further areas for discussion include implications of medical AI on patient safety, patient monitoring and innovation in personalised care. Attendees will look at protecting patients from harms associated with new technologies, and addressing health inequalities and potential biases in the design of medical devices.

Delegates will also assess latest thinking on how to address service variation through patient partnerships in order to standardise patient safety practices across NHS trusts, and next steps for improving system-wide learning post Martha’s Rule.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Dr Rosie Benneyworth, CEO, Health Services Safety Investigations Body; Megan Bidder, Director of Safety and Learning, NHS Resolution; and Dr Henrietta Hughes, Patient Safety Commissioner.

Overall, areas for discussion include:

  • Martha’s Rule: integration into care frameworks and healthcare delivery - driving personalised care - best practice for the workforce - incorporating restorative practices into incident resolution
  • clinical negligence reform: opportunities for whole-system learning - removing stigma from reporting - keeping tribunals in-house - developing better incident reporting practices
  • innovation: implications of AI on patient safety - opportunities for patient monitoring and personalised care - protecting patients from harms associated with new technologies - addressing health inequalities and other biases in medical devices
  • workforce: enabling appropriate training - implementation and use of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework - the role of leadership and management in supporting cultural change - addressing variation
  • whole-system approach: adopting better system learning that incorporates feedback mechanisms to ensure preventative measures, rather than reactive legislation - progress so far from the LFPSE service

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from DHSC; MHRA; DoH, ROI; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.

Keynote Speaker

Dr Henrietta Hughes

Patient Safety Commissioner,

Keynote Speakers

Dr Rosie Benneyworth

CEO, Health Services Safety Investigations Body

Megan Bidder

Director of Safety and Learning, NHS Resolution

Dr Henrietta Hughes

Patient Safety Commissioner,


Steve McManus

CEO, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Dita Wickins-Drazilova

Associate Professor in Biomedical Ethics and Law, Birmingham Medical School, University of Birmingham

Dr Ron Daniels

Founder and Joint-CEO, UK Sepsis Trust

Mark Ratnarajah

Managing Director, UK, C2-AI

Paul Whiteing

Chief Executive, action against medical accidents

Dr John Dean

Clinical Vice President, Care Quality Improvement Directorate, Royal College of Physicians

James Titcombe

Chief Executive, Patient Safety Watch

Kristina Murphy

Patient Safety Specialist, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust