Westminster eForum

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Monetising digital content: growth, trust and regulation

November 2017

Price: £95 PLUS VAT

This timely seminar assessed the future for monetising digital content across sectors including music, publishing, gaming and podcasts.

With Digital Adspend surpassing TV, and streaming online set to outstrip physical music sales in 2017, delegates discussed the next steps for developing digital platforms and growing digital revenues, including how industry can utilise new technologies and personal data to target audiences and develop new content in line with forthcoming EU GDPR.

In the wider policy and commercial context, sessions examined latest thinking on protecting the value of content, looking at issues of copyright and piracy, advertising strategies and data use, and the implications of Brexit on regulation and international trade.

This pack includes

  • Dropbox video recording of the conference
  • PDF transcript of the discussion, including all speaker remarks and Q&A
  • PDFs of speakers' slide material (subject to permission)
  • PDFs of the delegate pack, including speaker biographies and attendee list
  • PDFs of delegate articles